Located on the 1st floor main hallway between the Main Office and the Body Shop
Hours: Monday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm
Thursday: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Ms. Zaryah will be in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mrs. Sneed is in every morning.
Military Help: contact info here
Career-Related Opportunities
Check back here often to find out about career-related events, mentoring programs, and job opportunities.
See this list of afterschool opportunities.
See this list of volunteering opportunities.
See this list of summer opportunities.
***Want to get these new opportunities sent directly to your phone? Sign up for our Remind messages...Text @crossccc to phone number 81010
>>>Possible PAID Job Opportunities LISTED HERE (updated 2/3/17)
For seniors. This is an alternative to college to get training in one of the below fields. Want to learn more and apply? Hear from a Job Corps representative on Friday, June 16, 2:00-4:00pm at the McDonald's at 250 Whalley Ave.
Get FREE job training in one of the below fields:
- Culinary Arts
- Carpentry
- Building Construction Technology
- Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
- Material Handlers w/ Forklift Certifications
Summer Volunteering Opportunities:
*community service hours available!
Volunteer as a reading tutor with New Haven Reads this summer. Email keri@newhavenreads.org to apply.
Help out as a math tutor with New Haven Reads this summer. Get service hours! Email volunteer@newhavenreads.org
Beautify New Haven--plant trees and garden this summer! Find out how to get involved here.
LEAP Summer Junior Counselors-Click here for more
For male student 16 years or older (minimum GPA 2.0). LEAP summer Junior Counselors make a big difference in children's lives. It is hard work but it is fulfilling! Questions? Contact Elvert Eden -- eeden@leapforkids.org -- 203-773-0770, ext. 129
Please submit your application and a copy of your transcript to:
Leadership, Education, and Athletics in Partnership (LEAP)
31 Jefferson Street
New Haven, CT 06511
>>>Download an application here: tinyurl.com/leapcounselor
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Training
For students 18 years or older who are graduating this year. The City of Milford Employment and Training Office is offering a free 8-week nursing assistant program (CNA). The CNA course is 8 weeks and runs Monday-Friday, 9am-2:30pm at 35 Matthew St. in Milford. [Before the course you will complete a “Pre-Training” course for 2 weeks Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm.]
To register, call 203-783-3243 to make an appointment to complete an application at 150 Gulf St. in Milford.
SCSU Journalism Workshops-Click here for more
Want to learn more about journalism writing, editing, photography and layout? You are invited to attend a week of FREE high school journalism workshops at Southern CT State University, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT
Monday, July 10 - Thursday, July 13, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Apply here (due by July 7): http://tinyurl.com/scsu-journalism
Auto Mechanic Internship
Intern at the City’s Department of Public Works to learn auto mechanic skills.
Who? Students 17 years or older (¡Se habla español!)
Why? Learn the skills of being an auto mechanic
Where? 34 Middletown Avenue, New Haven
When? 2-3 hours per day, a few days a week
How to apply? Come to the College & Career Center to create and submit a resume
Police Explorers
*community service hours available!
“Bridging the gap between young men and women ages 13-20 years and police officers, by educating and training them on careers in law enforcement.” Meetings occur every Monday, 4:15-6:15pm (at 710 Sherman Pkwy). *For more info contact the New Haven Police Academy at: 203-946-6309
Highlight Topics & Issues:
Eligible Explorers will participate in our ride-along program
Explorers attend various competitions and events throughout the New England area to be evaluated on how well they perform traffic stops, various scenarios, and physical agility courses
Community clean-ups, soup kitchens, and community awareness programs for preventing particular crimes
Who Should Apply?
Young men and women ages 13-20 years with an interest in working in the community and with New Haven police officers
Have NO outstanding arrest warrant; NO felony convictions; NO convictions including domestic violence, drugs, or use of a weapon
Teen Programs at New Haven Library-Click here for more
Lots of cool afterschool programs for teens at the New Haven Public Library. Examples of programs include: computer coding, gaming club, anime club, writing, theater, art, and more! See programs here.​
Little Scientists Internship-Click here for more
We are looking for New Haven high school students to assist Little Scientists instructors in After-School Hands-on Science Classes in New Haven Elementary Schools. We will train you, provide all materials, a lab coat, and a stipend. All classes are hands-on, STEM-based, innovative, and engaging! To apply please email: drheidi@Little-Scientists.com
Babysitting Websites
For students 18 years and older. Create a profile on the below babysitting websites to search and apply for local babysitting opportunities. ***Please be safe and responsible when interacting with families on this website!
Artspace-Click here for more
*community service hours available!
Volunteers serve as gallery sitters, event staff, administrative assistants, exhibition assistants, Kidspace volunteers, promotional assistants, and more! To find out more about volunteer opportunities, please contact info@artspacenh.org
Afterschool Peer Tutoring (at Farnam House)
*community service hours available!
Teen volunteers needed to work with children in grades K-6 tutoring them in math and reading. Training will be provided! You can also help out in the arts & crafts, gym, or other programs at Farnam House (162 Fillmore St.). Contact Lou Pernou at 203-562-9194 or lperno@farnamcommunity.org
Homework Helper
*community service hours available!
Need volunteer hours? Help tutor elementary and middle school students with their homework. Homework Club will start in November 1st, Monday through Thursday from 2:30p to 4:30p. *If interested please contact the Resident Coordinator Carletta Coe at 204-745-4558 or go to their office at 1327 Chapel Street.
Project Youth Court
*community service hours available!
Youth Court is like normal court---with juries, defendants, lawyers, and bailiffs--but with a twist. Everyone involved is a teenager! Youth Court is currently recruiting high school volunteers throughout New Haven to help young people arrested for crimes come up with their own solutions to the problems their actions have caused.
Positions available (you will receive training): http://www.projectyouthcourt.org/get-involved/
Apply here: http://www.projectyouthcourt.org/volunteer-application/
New Haven Reads
*community service hours available!
Need community service hours? Volunteer to tutor children of any age with New Haven Reads. New location is open at 85 Willow St (a 5-minute walk from Cross!). To sign up email keri@newhavenreads.org
JUNTA's Youth in Action Committee
*community service hours available!
Learn more about immigration reform, feminism, racial justice, and how YOU can make a change in your community! Join the "Youth in Action" group at JUNTA every Monday and Friday, 3:30-5:00pm (at 169 Grand Ave.) Opportunities to complete community service hours! Questions? Contact juancarlos.soto@juntainc.org, or 203-787-0191.
Youth Counselor at ConnCAT-Click here for more
*community service hours available!
For 10th-12th graders only. Volunteer as a Youth Counselor at ConnCAT. Your responsibilities as a Youth Counselor will include tasks such as tutoring youth (5th-8th grade), assisting teachers during enrichment classes, and/or clerical work (e.g., filing, copying, shredding). You may also use your internship hours to fulfill your school's community service requirement as long as you provide us with the proper paperwork. As part of this internship you will receive training on how to become a mentor and positive role model to young kids, gain valuable experience in working with youth, and have the opportunity to receive a letter of recommendation based on your performance. Apply here.
Youth Coalition-Click here for more
*community service hours available!
Are you an outspoken student who wants to advocate for yourself and your fellow students? Do you have ideas about how New Haven can be made better for youth? Join the Youth Coalition! *Contact addys@cwyc.org with questions!
You have two options for meetings to attend:
- 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month: CWYC Advisory Council meeting at The Grove (760 Chapel St.) from 5:30-7:30 pm. The council is open to young people between 14-24 years old that want to help make decisions regarding programming and youth content.
- 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month: CWYC in partnership with the New Haven Free Public Library Downtown branch sponsor "Dinner & Dialogue" town hall meetings. These are workshops and discussions facilitated by a different youth group on topics selected by the youth. Thus far we have held three discussions: Do black lives matter?, Privilege: Who's got it?, and Justice or JUST US? (an examination of the juvenile justice system and the Aymir Holland case).
CT Pre-Apprenticeship Program-Click here for more
Want to be an electrician, plumber, carpenter, or do another hands-on job? Be part of the CT Apprenticeship program! More info on the program and how to apply here.
***Check back here often! New opportunities are posted all the time!